Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Birmingham University, home of the AUT, speaks...

And there is good news. It looks like Birmingham University is not in favor of what the AUT has wrought:

The University of Birmingham is aware of the AUT vote to boycott two Israeli universities. The AUT is an independent trade union with its own views. These views are entirely independent of the University. The University is committed to the principles of academic freedom and the support of educational collaboration in the pursuit of knowledge through teaching and research. In pursuit of these principles, the University will not tolerate discrimination of any kind.

Hat tip normblog. Although I disagree severely with his concluding statement that this shows that Birmingham University is outflanking Sue Blackwell on the left.

This insinuates that "the principles of academic freedom and the support of educational collaboration in the pursuit of knowledge through teaching and research" are leftist virtues, solely. In my experience, that is not true at all.


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