Monday, December 05, 2005

Free France UPDATED

Recently, French Philosopher Alain Finkielkraut spoke openly to Ha'aretz about how he understood the riots in France.
He has been following the events through the media, keeping up with all the news reports and commentary, and has been appalled at every article that shows understanding for or identification with "the rebels" (and in the French press, there are plenty). He has a lot to say, but it appears that France isn't ready to listen - that his France has already surrendered to a blinding, "false discourse" that conceals the stark truth of its situation. The things he is saying to us in the course of our conversation, he repeatedly emphasizes, are not things he can say in France anymore. It's impossible, perhaps even dangerous, to say these things in France now.
Ever since, he has been pilloried in France. He has even been accused of bearing some responsibility for the riots because of his response to them.

Sociologist Michel Wievorka accuses Finkielkraut of bearing some responsibility for the "recent events in the banlieue…because his discourse…widens the chasm between the promises and the reality of the République."

UPDATE: The NYSun sort this puzzle about Finielkraut in a clear and invaluble way.


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